Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hobby Magazines: The Campaigner Issue #11

The Campaigner Issue No. 11
Another Hobby Magazine I stumbled over is The Campaigner (thanks to Terrain For Hippos). So what is it all about? Maybe I just let the magazine speak for itself and quote something of the approach they have:
The Campaigner hopes to offer hobbyists content that both interests and educates them. To provide them with the right tools to sensibly and realistically approach any challenges that come their way.
So without any further chit-chat the contents of this issue (which you can download here):
  • Interview: Chris Avellone
  • Worlds of Roleplay: He Did It With His Staff!
  • Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia
  • Terrain Crusade: A Song of Blades and Scenery
  • The Game Mechanic
  • Featured Hobbyist: Liam Honan
  • Plus: News
If you don't know the magazine already, give it a chance. I really love that they approach many different aspects of our hobby, not only tabletop but also RPGs, board games and lots of other stuff.

So long,

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hobby Magazines: Figure Painter Magazine Issue #22

FPM Issue #22
The Hobby Magazine madness continues: Figure Painter Magazine Issue No. 22 is out. This time its not a free magazines like before but it is absolutely affordable with its price of 1.30£ and I think you can't go wrong with spending that one.

To be honest I didn't buy the magazine for the last couple of issues because I am waiting for the bundled version of the last 10 issues. But as far as I know the older issues and the reading examples who were out, the quality even improved and its a real awesome magazine for that price.

If you have the possibility, check it out.

So long,

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Hordes 2-Player box arrived

Finally it is here! The Hordes 2-Player Box arrived. After some (to be honest extremely long) waiting because our LGS had trouble getting the German box, I have it now in my hands. So I can start with building and painting the stuff and see how much I like the miniatures before the All-in-one-Box will arrive (which should be somewhere around middle of the month, depending how long postage and customs take)..

Sadly my gaming mate, who took the German rules of the box, is sick, so the first match(es) with my newly found Legion of Everblight army will have to wait a bit longer :( At least I now have time to assemble and maybe paint them before the first game.

So long,

Monday, March 2, 2015

MMM - Live long and prosper

Today I want to start my Monday Music and Musings with some grief and loss: On Friday Leonard Nimoy died. Most of you will know him as Spock from the original Star Trek series. May he rest in piece or as he always said: "Live Long and Prosper!"

I think nearly noone coined a character so much as Mr. Nimoy did with Mr. Spock. Fun fact: He also wrote two books, one called "I am not Mr. Spock" and one "I am Mr. Spock".

I personally was very happy that he showed up in the newer movies of Star Trek and clearly he will never be forgotten by his fans.
Fitting to that the intro of the original series:

In terms of the hobby nothing new. I am still waiting for my Hordes stuff. Slowly I get pretty pissed because now its two months waiting. At least my epoxy stickers arrived. Surprisingly not from Hong Kong but from Singapore :)

So stay tuned. I hope soon some stuff happens again (e.g. Hordes Battreps).

So long,

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Milestone reached: 60.000 hits

So its another milestone which this blog breached: 60.000 hits since I am tracking. Maybe you ask yourself why I am not waiting for the 100k mark for making a happy dance. That's easily explained: I just count this mark more like 50.000 hits because recently I have lots of search engine traffic (but no exact values sadly) so I have to give a best guess.

It seems to pay off that I tried to be a bit more present in Social Media (please check them out if you don't habe already) and in blog/community rolls of big hobby sites (like BoLS or Faeit).

And I was lucky and just hit the blog and was greeted with the perfect number ;-)

So what are the plans for the future? Most likely there will be more Warmachine/Hordes content (as soon as I got my stuff) and also a bit more of Shadows of Brimstone. If everything works fine I may also have a bit more time and I can play some bigger games of Kings of War which my system of choice will most likely be since ATM I see my future not with Warhammer Fantasy. But who knows, maybe the new edition will be excellent.

I also hope that I find more time to paint there are many many miniatures waiting. But that also depends a bit in which games I will play the next months.

I wish you all a food time and thanks for reading this blog!

So long,

Monday, February 23, 2015

MMM - Long time, no see

Wow nearly two weeks since my last post... Time to start posting again with some Monday Music and Musings!

The last weeks where pretty insane. Not only did we do some great winter hiking trips, but I also was overwhelmed with work and had some health issues concerning my back. Thus painting wasn't so much on my table, because if you can't sit for too long, you can't really paint.
I am still waiting for my Hordes stuff (shame on you PP for having thus bad delivering issues). And I have achieved some milestones for the blog, but that I will write down in its own post :)

So this is more a life sign and some motivation music. Johnny Cash - I won't back down:

Enjoy and have a good start into your week.

So long,

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Hobby Magazines: Wyrd Chronicles Issue #16

Wyrd Chronicles Volume 16
And another Hobby Magazine this week! Today its the Wyrd Chronicles Volume 16 from (who would have thought it) Wyrd Games (producer from Malifaux if you didn't know).

This issue contains, among other stuff:
  • The Bone Stag Cometh: A Malifaux scenario.
  • All Work, Cosplay: Become your favorite Master!
  • Hazardous Material: In Malifaux, terrain eats you.
  • Peaceful Malifaux: Can you win without fighting?
  • Death of Metal: A Sabertooth Cerberus gets painted.
  • and much more 

As far as I understood it, it is an official magazine from Wyrd Games. Therefore its layout and content is in my opinion pretty well done and I was very surprised while reading it. It even has some more geeky stuff (the Cosplay article) in it, which I really liked because sometimes its good to see some other stuff outside our tabletop box.

So long,

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