Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Shadows of Brimstone: Hellbat

Just a short shot from my workbench: My first Hellbat from Shadows of Brimstone. I tried out a color scheme which I may use for my Legion of Everblight if they arrive finally. And I also tried out some wetblending (the tongue) just to get a feel for paint consistency and stuff. Must be improved but at least I did some painting again :)

More to the miniatures if I painted the complete batch of them.

So long,

Thursday, January 8, 2015

End Times is near! Rumors about 9th

Today I do something which I normally don't do: I jump on the rumor train and give my opinion to the gossip factory which is working overtime at the moment. With myself getting deeper into the Warhammer Fantasy universe again and having played the games in the 90ies I am deeply rooted in the background of the game(s) and had to see how complete games were shot down from GW over the years (Necromunda, Mortheim etc. pp.) so I am pricking my ears on the newest rumors. And I have to admit that the newest rumors from Faeit and Warseer really worry me.

Disclaimer: This article will contain spoilers and rumors! If you aren't interested in them, please don't read the full length article.
It also contains some personal views and heavy exaggeration on the current rumors and how I will deal with that. But rumors are just rumors. Maybe everything will come completely different and we all are happily playing 9th edition in the summer.

Warning: Big wall of text incoming!

Monday, January 5, 2015

A kind of review: My 2014

2014 has ended some days ago, I came over those bridge days where I had to work and slowly I am getting in the hobby mood again (besides needing some vacation). Therefore I thought a view back to last year would be something nice to do on the blog and a somehow nice thing to start the hobby season with.

2014 started really slow concerning blogging. My real life kept me from doing anything fancy on the blog. First Papa Nurgle put his arms around me and afterwards I had a pretty tough project on work which kept my complete attention. Lots to learn and test out. But in the end this trouble paid off and we delivered a great product and among others are now listed 2nd place on a pretty relevant listing in our  field after a very very big company (starting from place 5). So lots of happy faces here :)

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year to all

I wish all of you a Happy New Year or "Guten Rutsch" as we say here ;)
I wanted to write down a small resume of this year but due to our snow chaos and the longer time it took me to get to work, I had not so much time as I had hoped. Maybe I will write that post next year. But for now this will be the last post in 2014.

Hope you all have a nice party today and have a good start into 2015 .

So long,

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

First Warmachine/Hordes game

So Saturday I had my first game of Warmachine/Hordes. A friend of mine plays both games and invited me to a introduction game of the gaming system. So we met for a standard game and he gave me a brief crash course in the rules and stuff. But theory isn't the only thing, so we started a 25 points game where he gave me his Khador Winterguard troops and he used his Blindwater Congregation crocodiles (which he never played before). I tried to make some pictures while we played but please don't expect a fully fledged battle report because most likely I can't tell you what exactly we did, because it was really lots of stuff to think to learn and to do (and to drink!).

But it was enough to get me very interested in the game and I ordered the Hordes 2-player starter box yesterday. And already found some people in my area who play Warmachine/Hordes instead of WHFB/40K. Pretty interesting. Don't want to spend too much money on the game so I will try to boost the both starter troops with the least money effort possible.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Shadows of Brimstone: Tentacles done!

Finally I finished the first batch of Tentacles from Shadows of Brimstone. If you haven't any idea what Shadows of Brimstone is about, you can check my unboxing of the two core sets where I give a first impression of the content and style of the game.
I decided to go with a two color scheme since the game has normal and brutal monsters and by giving the tentacles different colors I can differ later in the game between the two.
After forcing myself through those miniatures (more of that later) I can give you also a first and short review of the miniatures.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Beautiful St Nicholas Day

Maybe this is a bit for my German readers, but I wish you a beautiful Saint Nicholas Day (Einen schönen Nikolaus). I was very surprised in the morning when I came home from my early shopping trip when I found a small bag in front of my door, containing two gunnysacks with a chocolate Nicholas walnuts and mandarins (the typical contents of those bags here). And surprisingly it was from my mom (and yes I am not living at home anymore and another yes I am over thirty now, nonetheless this is one of the very few traditions we keep). Pretty cool start into the day.

The picture shown is the nougat filled "bismarck" or "doughnut" (in German its Berliner in my region) I got for my wife in the morning. Went up at 8 and went shopping to let her sleep a bit longer today :)

So enjoy your day, especially if you spend it together with your family.

So long,

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