Saturday, April 20, 2013


Felt monsters are conquering my table.. .HELP ME! Nah just kidding. They are tooooo cute to be really dangerous or even a thread :)

Some sweet felt mmonsters
Felt monsters attack!
If you wonder why the hell I am showing these... My wife got a crush on those and started making them herself. Two of them are permanently lingering on my working table and the cats are mischievously eyeing the other two... All of them are made out of felt, darning wool, yarn and some decorating stuff like buttons.

I will introduce three of the wild horde, Rufus, the green one eyed is too shy to pose for a closeup picture.


Scraggles - The skeleton with heart
The first monster made by my wife. A skeleton with heart. And since it is too cold without skin and flesh she has a small coat to warm her.


Zoltan - The small dinosaur
The small dinosaur. Coming in different color variations, this one is black with red jags. Perhaps he lives natively in a volcanic area?


Melvin - looks like a tooth with history
Orange tooth? Not square Spongebob without pants? Who knows... This little fellow must have had a bad accident because he is missing his right eye.

Hope you like them like I do. The making of them seems to be perfect for doing it with your children. Big fun for the whole family. Since we have none, our cats jumped in and worked havoc by stealing the yarn or trying to grab the felt or buttons :)

Wish you a nice weekend!

So long,

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