Saturday, July 20, 2013

DVD Review - Miniature Painting Secrets with Jennifer Haley

DVD Review - Miniature Painting Secrets with Jennifer Haley
Finally I had the time and the muse to write my next painting DVD review. As promised I will have a look at the "Miniature Painting Secrets with Jennifer Haley" from CMON. The set contains of 2 DVDs and says it contains about 6 hours of instructions in roughly 8 chapters.
By now you should already know who Jennifer Haley is, I did a tribute to her work a while ago.
The DVDs are in english and the painting footage is dubbed with music.
After seeing the trailer of this set I was really curious. If you missed it you can watch it directly here in all its beauty:

Friday, July 19, 2013

FFotW: Great Pacific Garbage Patch - A world of plastic trash

As you may know from some older posts I am a scuba diver and love nature (especially the sea). Today I came across a very interesting TED talk about the problems with the Great Pacific Garbage Patch of which more later. 

Great Pacific Garbage Patch schematic
Source: Good Infographics
If you don't know what the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is: Have a look at the infographic, it explains pretty good what is happening there. Just imagine a huge mass of plastic floating in our seas. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is only the biggest one so far, there are many more floating and circulating around the sea. Its pretty difficult to get the real size of these beasts and they are measured by the amount of plastic floating in these areas but even this is rather difficult because some of the garbge sinks to the ground or is grinded down to a microscopic level.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Happy Birthday to me :)

Just a stupid Happy Birthday post. Especially since I am the one who has his birthday :)
But I have to see this funny video at least once on my Birthday and so I thought I can share it with you.

For all non german speaking readers: Its just a weird Happy Birthday song from arround 1982.
And yes I have this thingie as real LP at home! Lovely vinyl. But no player anymore, so sad.

So long,

Monday, July 15, 2013

MMM - Tesla vs. Edison

Another MMM, this week a video from Epic Rap Battles of History - Tesla vs. Edison.

If you don't know ERP you should watch the rest of their videos. They are pretty funny even if you normally don't like rap music (like me) ;)

Have a good start into your week!

So long,

P.S.: My pre-produced articles will cost me some more work. I somewhat lost my pictures of two articles (one for my Basics-series) and are a bit pi**ed because I don't know what happend to my SD card. Hopefully I can return to posting some more crafting/painting stuff soon.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Quote of today

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
~ Benjamin Franklin ~

In times of Prism and where George Orwells vision of 1984 is bitter reality, this sentence is one you should remember...

So long,

Saturday, July 6, 2013

FFotW - Miniature Tokyo

FFotW - Mori Tower Scale Project Welcome to another Friday Finding of the Week. Ok, in Germany its already Saturday but better late than never. For today I found a really awesome modell of Tokyo the "Mori Tower Scale Project" (on Flickr). The model was built in about 17 months be 30 employees. "Patience is everything" on of the project leaders said.  On the first pictures I saw I  thought these were some minified real pictures like they are hip at the moment in advertisements. But no, all miniatures.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Battle Report - Dark Elves vs. Empire: Battle Two

Battle Report - Dark Elves vs. Empire: Battle Two - Setup
The forces ready themselves for battle
As promised in my last battle report there is another battle we did on our "Warhammer Battleday". As said, Labschi had only one army list ready, so we decided to give it another try and didn't change our setup for the gaming table. I just picked up my second list and we fielded our armies. This time I had some minor changes and swapped the Cold Ones against the Black Guard.
The Empire stood much better after deployment so I had to think a bit what to do this time. For magic I again was very lucky and had some strong spells. My Shades deployed in the small village, just outside reach and sight to get a fast charge on the cannon and my Dark Riders were setup on the far left to flank the empire army.

The game lies some days in the past so I have to try to remember everything with my pictures. It could be possible that I miss one small thing or another, but in the big scheme it should be alright. That is why I decided to not do a turnwise report but to give a bigger summary of the battle this time.

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