Motivation leak |
You prepared a miniature you wanted to paint for a long time. It was stripped from paint, glued together, the base is prepared and everything is primed. You arranged your working place, readied a new audio book (I LOVE listening to audio books while painting) and put the first colors on your wet pallete. You load your brush with paint and after the first layers of paint: BAMM!
Your motivation to paint is gone with a single blow. It comes so aprupt that you want to throw your miniature against the nearest wall.
This happened to me with my old vermin lord. I had painted him in the old colorful scheme and wanted to give him a new, somewhat darker look. But with the first layers of skin (unfortunately I hate painting skin) my complete motivation to paint him vanished... At the moment I really regret stripping him from the old paint.
How do you overcome such situations and get your motivation back?
So long,