
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ramshackle Drill finished

My Ramshackle Drill is finally finished (or as finished as I will go at the moment). I think it still needs some weathering, but I will most likely do that when the rest of the war machines are finished. The color scheme came out pretty nicely and I think I will do the rest of my Chaos Dwarfs in the same scheme.

The picture kills some of the highlights but I am too lazy to setup the bucket or even my photo tent for this one shot :) The cam of my mobile will not capture the details anyway. But for Christmas I want to gift me with a DSLR, most likely the Nikon D3300. Or does anyone have another good option in this price range?

And after my very successful post to my 200th "anniversary" it seems that my blog now jumps back to normal, few page views and comments :)

I hope I can get to some unboxing of the Shadows of Brimstone boxes. I already risked a look and so far they look fantastic.

So long,


  1. Sorry to say that, but ... *giggle* jeez, do your chaos dwarfs get out of that thing, raise a finger and tell them enemies: "oh please wait a sec, we have to clean it up first"? ;) :D even it cannot have rust on it, it should be muddy all over - it's coming right out of the ground! :D my two cents ... *waiting for rants via skype*

    1. I quote myself:
      "I think it still needs some weathering, but I will most likely do that when the rest of the war machines are finished."

  2. This is a really nice model and I think your idea of weathering the metal is a good one. A good camera makes a big difference on the quality of the pictures as does a good lighting set up. Sorry to hear that page views and comments are down at the moment. I haven't posted in nearly a month and haven't had time to get out as my Father In Law has been in and out of hospital so much of late.

    1. Then even more thanks for your nice comment.
      Hope everyone gets well soon and you can find some time without worries.

  3. What a lovely model and nicely painted - I'm sure when the weathering will add another dimension.

    1. Hi Michael, thanks for your comment.
      Seems I have to do the weathering sooner as I wanted, because everyone asks for it ;)

  4. Nice mate.. looking forward to seeing the weathering aspect :)

    1. Aaaah this pressure! Already talked with Labschi yesterday, I just fear to mess up the model without a way to rescue it...


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