
Friday, August 2, 2013

FFotW - Warlord Games Day Coverage from Brückenkopf

FFotW - Warlord Games Day
©Warlord Games
Maybe you already found it in some newstickers but nonetheless I want to mention this great coverage of the Warlord Games Day from Brückenkopf. Especially since I am normally not into historical wargaming. But this coverage shows some phenomenal gaming tables and lots of the surrounding of this event. Even if you can't read german there are lots of pictures (and maybe a translator of your choice can help understanding the texts).

Warlord Games Day - Coverage Part I
Warlord Games Day - Coverage Part II
Warlord Games Day - Coverage Part III

The event was also a open house, and gave some insights into production and packaging of Warlord Games.

Warlord Games Open House

It really seems this was a great event. After coverages like these I can slowly understand why many are big fans of historical wargaming and the events that are held.

So long,

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