
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Its over 9000!!!

Again a seldom but happy day in a bloggers life. Yesterday the visits climbed unknown heights, thanks to Natfka who gave me a backlink on his famous Faeit 212 blog. Thanks again for that!
This brought me over 640 visits in one day! A number which I had never thought it would be possible :) That's normally the amount of visits I get in half a month.

Another thing is that I broke the 10.000 visits mark. I didn't mention this earlier because lots of traffic is from spambots, which I already moaned about. But slowly real visitors crowd out the bots which I am very happy about.

If you are a Dragonball fan you know where this outcry comes from, if not I'l show you now:

And it also brought me new followers:
As already mentioned one is Natfka with his Faeit 212: Warhammer 40k News and Rumors. I don't think I have to tell you much about it. Although I am not in Warhammer 40k I LOVE the rumors and stuff you can find there.

Then we have Vitor who runs Aurelius Legion. He has (besides lots of other stuff) some nice terrain tutorials for Flames of War and other games there, some of which I surely will test out in the future.

And we have Ian who runs Travelling the Immaterium. Again a Warhammer 40k blog but some nice conversation work there.

I don't know if I already mentioned other followers of the past or plainly forgot them because I am sometimes like a goldfish or more likely like a squirrel: I hide my stuff but only find a part of it later :D

As always you'll find updates from all these blogs in my blogroll (and many many more). Everyone who follows my blog will also find himself in the roll (if I find a corresponding blog in his/her profile). If not please drop me line and I will change that.

That's it for now. Have a good time!

So long,


  1. Over 11K now, congratulations. 650 hits in one day is good by any standard.

    1. Thanks. But I know this was just a short but happy peak. But I take what I get :-)

  2. Congratulations! It's always nice to know someone is listening when you shout into the interweb :).

    1. Thanks. But more motivating than visits are comments. Because there you know that people are reading your stuff and its not only bots who crawl or spam you :)

  3. Congrats mate! And yeah, am glad his site is back up and running. Lots of good content there, great blogs associated to it, and many hits from it as well! Congrats on passing 10k! nice DBZ reference also!

    1. Thanks. Although he has much 40k stuff linked there are many intersting blogs linked.
      I really like the idea of sharing you knowledge and ideas, thats why I added everyone I follow to my blogroll (and I try to follow everyone as "Thank you" who has an eye on my blog).

      There are so many nice blogs out there, some with only 5 or so followers who definetly deserve more readers. From my own experience I know how hard it is to draw attention to your blog so I gladly support where I can (even if it isn't much I can do with my small blog here).

  4. Congrats and may you have many more visits! ^^


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