
Monday, September 28, 2015

Why is the rum gone?

Last weekend started with a big WTF. When I checked my blog (and why the connection to the social media networks seemingly doesn't work) I saw that nothing was published to neither the blog nor the Twitter, FB or G+.
So with some big eyes I just saw that my pre-produced and scheduled articles are all gone. I have no clue what happened, but I had planned two articles to post the last 2 weeks. Everything gone... At least from Blogger, I can see that my pictures are still on Picasa.

So sorry for not posting anything for such a long time. I have lots to do atm and thus wanted to use the free time I had to pre-produce some stuff, which clearly didn't work out :(

 Since I will travel to Romania again next week, maybe I can use the spare time in the evenings (if we are not on the road) to produce something.

Have a good start into your week!

So long,


  1. That's a disaster! I have a lot of drafts that I tinker away with until I’m ready to post, I would be mortified if I lost these, I do hope that yours magically reappear for you.

    1. Hey Michael, nope no magical reappearance sadly. No clue what happened. But the motivation to rewrite the stuff is atm not really existent. I will enjoy our late summer and see what I will do with it :)

  2. Oh man.,..i would be devastated. Some of the blog posts take hours to setup. So sorry!

    1. Hey Greg, luckily it weren't hundreds of them, only a tutorial and a review. Still some work spent on that which is now lost. But hey, I will redo them if I find the motivation for it.


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