
Monday, July 20, 2015

MMM - No system is safe! Who am I O.S.T

A wonderful morning to everyone. After a weekend of fun and party (yes it was my birthday, so I had a reason!) I return to my Monday Morning Music and Musings series with the playlist of an O.S.T of a movie I recently watched: Who am I - No system is safe a German movie about a hacker group who wants global fame.

The film struck me a) because of the fitting music and b) because there was much stuff in there which I (as "professional") had do acknowledge the makers of doing their research, which (sadly) isn't done too often.

As you may know, normally electronic music is not my thing, but this O.S.T is quite nice especially since it really suited the movie.

And for some musings today: While watching the latest Age of Sigmar reports and the growing interest for Kings of War here in Germany, I am more and more excited about the arrival of the first wave from the 2nd Kings of War Kickstarter. Also the weather gets nicer (temperatures below the 38°C mark). So maybe this could be the turning point for my motivation :)

Have a good start into this week!

So long,


  1. Heeeey.. Happy Belated Birthday mate.. hope it was a good one for you! And this looks interesting indeed.. will have to give it a proper watch at some point ;)

    1. Thanks! Yes was a nice evening with close friends, barbecue and some alcohol ;)
      And the movie was a big surprise for me. Some very cool ideas how to visualize some aspects of the web like darknets and stuff.


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