
Saturday, May 16, 2015

Still in the trenches

If you wondered why it is so quite on this blog: No I did not quit writing or trying to do some hobby stuff. I just had some "active" weeks with travelling to Romania for work and more private stuff.
Also I am still pretty p***ed about whats going on with all those spambots. Looks like Russia does a cyberwar against my blog, three days ago I had more than 500 hits only with those spambots. But it seems that this was the last spike and things are calming down now...

So cross your fingers that this stupid wave is finally over please :)

See you soon!


  1. I get those spambots from Russia as well. I've noticed it only happens when I've not blogged for a while. After I post, it stops. Recently they've been coming in from China.

    Nice to hear that you're alive and kicking!

    1. Interesting. Seems for me its the other way round :) The more I post, the more they come :)

  2. Sometimes I feel bad before I swear they follow me around after I comment on blogs...

    1. Haha Greg. Sure not :) Don't fear that they follow you :)


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