
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Hobby Magazines: Wyrd Chronicles Issue #17

And another magazine I nearly missed! Wyrd Chronicles Issue No. 17 is out since beginning of April. And I can only say: Fear the Bunny! Really awesome cover here ;)

Wyrd Chronicles No. 17
In this issue you can find among others:
  • Festival Day: It's a Wyrd Earth Day story
  • Building a Park: Learn how to assemble some fantastic terrain!
  • Smuggler's Run: A one-shot adventure for Through the Breach
  • Luther the Pascha Hare: A hare raising tale full of cuddly (and nod so cuddly) bunnies
  • Tyrannus' Tutelary: A guide to painting the War Wabbit
  • Painting Contest Winners: Frozen Moments
  • Painting Contest Winners: Crystal Brush

My favorite article this time is the tutorial for building the park. Very good ideas and tips in there and it looks really cool!
So even if you are not playing Malifaux, you can find some interesting stuff in here.

So long,

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