
Monday, July 28, 2014

MMM: Bülent Ceylan - Nichts besondres

Todays MMM has a special reason: Last weekend I enjoyed the new program of Bülent Ceylan, a german comedian, which was a gift from my wife for my birthday a week ago. I knew him until now only from TV or DVD but Live on Stage he is even better!  And this song really surprised me the most.
Since the audio is in german, I think it could be a bit disappointing for my english audience but maybe you can grasp the feeling of the song:

Its a song about being nothing special and taking life as it is, be it good or be it bad. The chorus struck me (roughly translated):
"Many laugh only because they don't want to weep,
what did the life do to you?
Do you want a better the world,
start with the one you see in the mirror!
Every tear contains a rainbow,
only in the darkness you can't see it.
I know the stars are above,
and a small shine is enough for me"

So long,

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