
Monday, March 24, 2014

Real life incoming!

Maybe you wondered if I am still into blogging after this really quite time now. Yes I am but my Work-Life-Balanc eis totally out of control. The last weeks we are preparing a bigger relaunch of the companies web page I am working at and are now in the hot phase for it. Last week I even was on a working trip in rumania which brought lots of nice impressions (although I didn't see much other than the office I was working at). Since I was "announced" as technical frontent responsive this is quite a change for me, I have much more responsibility now and want to stand up to the expectations my colleagues put into me..

Therefore I don't find the passion and quiet for painting or even working on my blog. Which is a shame since I finally got an answer from BoLS concerning the addition to their blogroll. I even don't find the time to follow my dearest blogs so please bear with me and be sure that I will have a look into all your blogs and will comment again when I find the time.

Hope you all have a good time until then.

So long,


  1. It happens to us all, I'm sure you'll be back soon.

  2. Thanks Michael for your nice comment.
    I hope there is still someone reading when I post more regular again :-)


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