
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Hobby Magazines - Ironwatch Issue #17

Issue #17 of Ironwatch Magazine, the Mantic Games Fanzine has arrived yesterday.

This time it is pretty Kings of War heavy and includes topics like:
  • Kings of War Tactica
  • Tutorial on how to make an orc hut
  • Painting step-by-step of the Goblin shaman
  • The first part of a new short story
  • and many more
I personally like the articles about the painting and terrain best, because I can't use all the Tactica and new model rule stuff since we don't play Kings of War. And I like that there are again many pictures of Mantic miniatures, on some you can see what you can make out of them.

If you haven't checked already, take a look, its free and fanmade and totally supported by Mantic (so you'll see lots of images).

So long,


  1. Very cool. I was not aware of this magazine. But it is always nice to see such things happen like this by the fans, and then supported by the companies that they are reporting on! Very refreshing and almost takes me back to the early 90s when another company used to do the same!


    1. Yep the early days of GW when I started with WHFB ... White Dwarf as nice magazine, lots of stuff in the independent shops and full support for the community. Today nearly no independent shops and in GW store stuff like this happens: "Waaah you are not using our glue, leave my shop!"

      Glad that I showed something new here ;)


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