
Monday, December 16, 2013

MMM - Woodkid

Wonderful Black and White art in his videos and very cool music in a way I haven't heard before: That is Woodkid.
Maybe you know Run by Run from an advert campaign of a big mobile provider (which itself is also very nice especially the start with the animated cat/robot).
I came across his music a while ago and my wife really liked the song on the advertisement and immedeately bought the album :)

The videos are really great and take you into a very unique black and white world.

Hope you enjoy them as I do and have a good start into your week!

So long,


  1. For some reason, the Vimeo's won't play past the first 3 seconds and that's a shame as I'd liked to have seen the footage. I'm a big fan of black and white film. People like Orson Wells and Hitchcock were masters at light and shadow.

    1. That's weird. With my Firefox I have problems too. In Chrome it works. Sadly I can't change anything since I just embed the videos from Vimeo. And on Youtube the videos are not listed :-(

    2. Hi Anne you may find itworks better if you play straight at the vimeo site rather than through the embedded vid...that's what I ended up doing.

    3. Thanks Minitrol. For me the embed works like the real site. But on my tablet I experienced severe problems here.
      Sorry for all who can't enjoy this as I had hoped.


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