
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Some late summer pictures from Europa Park

Before I am posting some of my pictures from my trip to Mallorca (which I still have to sort and select first) I post some late summer pictures I took on our last day in Europa Park (when our annual pass ran out).
These are from late August and it was a beautiful day there and we once again had lots of fun there. The park has some really cool places which are most of the time ignored or you just run by because you have to get to the next attraction.

The first two are from the children wonderland the first is the giant from the Grimm's story "Das tapfere Schneiderlein" (The Valiant Tailor) the second is a Gnome with snail pets from a children rollercoaster. There are many such things for kids when you have a keen eye and really look out for it (or you have kids and therefore have to look for them).

The next two are from the small river which flows through parts of the park. Right next to it are some recreation places where you can eat or just give you ears and feet some break.

I love the different smell and kind of air in this area. Most of the time it is pretty quiet there. And depending on the daytime and time of the year you always get a different mood there.

The rest of the park (especially everthing around the main attractions) is heavily crowded and therefore pretty loud. The music that is playing everywhere doesn't help there. At least it isn't so loud that it really disturbs your good experience in the park. This is achieved by the hordes of kids and teenies running around :)
All around the park you can find some small treasures like this water fountain. Sometimes it is really difficult to get shots from this stuff because people are always running in front of your camera. But at least this one I got straight.

Following is one of my absolute favorites of this visit in the park:
This was shot INSIDE one of the rollercoasters, the Atlantica. One with a big water basin around (which you drive through and get really wet). It is the view of a broken ship around which you have to stand in line while waiting until its your turn to take a ride.

Hope you enjoyed it and stay tuned for some more picture posts.

So long,

P.S.: We have some more travellers on our arthership. Welcome aboard Sam and Paul. Your blogs are already in my blogroll so enjoy your stay here. Hope you will find something of your interest here.
That makes over 50 followers now. Wohoooo! *makes a little happy dance*

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