
Monday, July 15, 2013

MMM - Tesla vs. Edison

Another MMM, this week a video from Epic Rap Battles of History - Tesla vs. Edison.

If you don't know ERP you should watch the rest of their videos. They are pretty funny even if you normally don't like rap music (like me) ;)

Have a good start into your week!

So long,

P.S.: My pre-produced articles will cost me some more work. I somewhat lost my pictures of two articles (one for my Basics-series) and are a bit pi**ed because I don't know what happend to my SD card. Hopefully I can return to posting some more crafting/painting stuff soon.


  1. My daughter aka "The Spawn" turned us onto these guys some time ago. Very good stuff.

    1. Found them as suggestion in Youtube (lucky me). Can't wait for Season 3.


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