
Saturday, July 6, 2013

FFotW - Miniature Tokyo

FFotW - Mori Tower Scale Project Welcome to another Friday Finding of the Week. Ok, in Germany its already Saturday but better late than never. For today I found a really awesome modell of Tokyo the "Mori Tower Scale Project" (on Flickr). The model was built in about 17 months be 30 employees. "Patience is everything" on of the project leaders said.  On the first pictures I saw I  thought these were some minified real pictures like they are hip at the moment in advertisements. But no, all miniatures.

As if this wouldn't be enough, there is also the possibility to compose a symphony with some music and 3D projecting on this model. How this works you can see in their Youtube video:

So if you want to do some funny music play with the model, be sure to visit where this thin is available. But be patient, the first load is heavy and the page needs a bit to load (for me it was nearly a min although I have a 32mBit cable connection).

Hope you enjoy it.

So long,

P.S.: And welcome aboard Christopher! I think I follow your blog already but on your profile I couldn't find the proper bloglink. So if I missed it, just tell me via comment. Hope you find something interesting here :)

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