
Monday, June 24, 2013

Wear a helmet!

Always wear a helmet - and be it a steampunk version!
On behalf of my own experience last week I can only say: Always wear a helmet when driving a motorcycle or a bike. I often see young guys driving their small Vespas and the like without a helmet (or having it dangling at the handlebars). I can't understand this and I even think of buying me one for biking if I will do it more often. The accident last week (re)opened my eyes what can happen even at a small pace.

A fitting psychedelic government campaign from the 80s. Pretty funny I think:

And yes, I am on the road of recovery so I will start writing again.

So long,


  1. Ouch mate! I see it too often that they riders are just holding it.. I mean.. why? Just place it on your head, and be done with it. If you are afraid of bad helmet hair afterwards, shave your head! Problem solved!

    Get well soon mate!

    1. Or let your hair grow and make a pony tail (that is my variant) ^^
      Our "small" accident without helmet would've been a real bad experience health wise. In Germany (like in many countries) it is forbidden to drive without one (at least on a motorcycle) but young boys don't care it seems (haven't seen girls without, interesting).


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