
Sunday, November 25, 2012

WIP - Lava bases

Finally having the time to try out my 0.2mm needle in my airbrush I did a quick test for the lava bases I plan to do for my Chaos Dwarf army. I cut out an appropriate piece of cardboard, glued some cork onto it and primed everything. Then I loaded the airbrush, beginning with red, mixing in more and more yellow and finally some white. Then (big error!) I painted the cork black.

Lava base WIP - Using cork and my airbrush
Test for a lava base
Since it was only a quick test for working with the 0,2mm needle and how much pressure I need for the different layers, it is OK. I now know how to do things for my Chaos Dwarves. First I have to use real bases or some MDF or some plastic card as base, then I'll have to prime everything black and drybrush the stones and THEN the airbrush comes into use. Think this will work much better.
And I'm really scared by the amount of work this will be *looks in fear to his Skaven, Dark Elves and Chaos Dwarves* :) 

Lava base WIP - Using cork and my airbrush
Different view for the test

As my wife saw me airbrushing, she gave me a ingenious hint: I should cover the "lava" with some transparent nail polish. This sounds so weird... I HAVE to try this out!

That's it for now. Over and Out!


  1. Very nice. I have been meaning to give this a try too. Mixing in some white layers and lightly blending it into the yellow might make some of the lightest areas really pop. Any gloss varnish could be painted on the help with the "wet" look. The painting on these should go faster when you are doing them as a production line.

    1. Thanks for your comment and your hints :)
      Actually I did blend in a white line (blending with the airbrush is luckily very easy) but I think you're right, it could "pop" a bit more. I also want to make some bubbles etc. As said I'm testing around at the moment.

      P.S.: I tried the nail polish and it works like a gloss varnish in the end :)


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